Batch convert MOV to MP4 online

Online MOV to MP4 converter in bulk

Convert MOV

MOV to MP4 converter online

Upload your videos (up to 30 minutes long or 1GB) in virtually any format -from Apple ProRes to H264 Hi444-, and get MP4 and MOV derivatives with an optimum compression. Ready to share on your website or social media channel.

Convert your digital masters to deliverable MP4 versions ready for web. You can directly export several resolutions and video web formats.

convert videos for web
batch convert videos

Bulk convert MOV to MP4

Convert your videos to an optimized format for web (MP4 for universal support, WEBM for Chrome and Android, or even MOV for your MAC and iPhone users), without losing quality. Boost your visual content delivering the best quality at the minimum file size.

Configure multiple variants to export several resolutions at once. Bulk convert your videos for web and social media, directly from your browser.

How to convert MOV to MP4 without losing quality

Now, with Abraia Studio you can easily convert multiple videos for web. You will even be able to generate several variants at once. Just configure your variants, choosing formats and resolutions, and get your videos ready for web and social media without losing quality.

mov to mp4 converter online

Upload multiple videos

Create a new folder and upload a batch of video files. Then, select one video and click "export" to automatically convert your videos in bulk.


Choose the format

Choose the output web format (MP4, WEBM, MOV) and adjust the maximum size. Add additional variants to get multiple version of the same video. For instance, add a variant with the mute option checked to remove the audio, or configure a lower resolution to resize the video for mobile devices.


Batch convert videos

Click "export" to convert the selected videos to all the configured variants at the same time. The tasks panel will show the processing status of each video. Once finished, videos will be ready to directly download and publish in your website.

Convert MOV